The Leadership Pipeline: Ram Charan, Stephen Drotter And James Noel

The Leadership Pipeline: Ram Charan, Stephen Drotter And James Noel

Often, when organizations struggle, they tend to import top leaders from outside the organization with a hope to get back on track. In this series, management experts and authors of the book The Leadership Pipeline - Ram Charan, Steve Drotter and Jim Noel argue against this trend and urge organizations to build, develop and maintain a healthy pipeline of skilled, primed leaders from within the company for long-term, sustainable growth.
Personal Development
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02:03 min
Leadership isn't only for and about CEOs, argue the authors of The Leadership Pipeline. Learn why and how organizations should start developing leaders early and continuously and ensure they’re prepared and ready for each stage of the Leadership Pipeline.
04:06 min
The Leadership Pipeline postulates a six-passage model that helps determine the leadership requirements throughout a company. Understand what each passage entails, and the challenges involved in making each transition, to help your organizations build a leadership pipeline.
02:44 min
As you move up the leadership pipeline, you need to embrace new skills and learn new ways of working. This video teaches you why it is equally important to let go of some of your old skills.
02:46 min
Many managers don’t transition easily to their new role, which clogs up the leadership pipeline. This video offers some steps to check and see whether your pipeline is choking at any stage.
03:03 min
Once you identify the managers who are choking up the leadership pipeline, learn what to do to repair the system.
02:39 min
Organizations tend to make two common mistakes when recruiting and promoting young leaders. Find out what they are and why they should be avoided.
01:52 min
While it may be tempting for a senior leader to take “personal responsibility” for a project, it proves detrimental for the organization and its team members. Understand why it’s a red flag when a senior steps in to do another individual’s work.
02:18 min
Using the framework of the leadership pipeline means putting a well-planned succession plan in place for every level of the organization. This video suggests what aspects to bear in mind when starting the exercise.