Drive By Daniel H. Pink

Drive By Daniel H. Pink

Challenging traditional belief that external incentives and penalties-- the veritable carrot and stick system-- are the most important motivators for humans, Drive calls attention to the potential of intrinsic motivation. Daniel Pink draws on decades of scientific research, citing real-world examples of people drawn to share content on the Internet, to show that internal rewards that bring inner joy, are the most important drivers for improving performance and providing fulfilment.
Team Management
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01:41 min
Daniel Pink says that the traditional model of carrot-and-stick motivation may be outdated and even counterproductive in the modern knowledge era. Instead, our intrinsic desire to do something better is a stronger driver of motivation. Learn how to unlock the inner motivational drivers for yourself and the people around you to lead a more fulfilling life.
02:33 min
Motivational systems have evolved over time from survival and punishment-driven system to settle into the ‘carrot and stick' model. This video looks at why even the latter, time-tested external motivation system is proving outdated and inadequate in today’s creative and innovative workplaces.
03:03 min
What makes the carrot-and-stick model fail beyond a point in driving creative performance? What is it that makes us see work as an obligation while play as a choice? Is it possible to introduce elements of play in work to drive performance? Find answers to this and more in this episode.
02:26 min
Pink breaks down human motivation into two specific types: extrinsic, based on the traditional “if-then” model; and intrinsic, which tries to see what tasks bring inherent joy. Watch this episode to see how to improve our performance in the modern age, by channelling the intrinsic motivation drivers within us and our teams.
03:02 min
Autonomy is a crucial element of intrinsic motivation, often inhibited by conventional ideas of control—like following regular office hours, dress codes, protocol and such. This video urges organizations to consider increasing staff autonomy and trust to drive innovation and creativity.
02:54 min
Often in organizations monopoly over ideas rests with senior leaders, while others are expected to comply with orders. Pink argues that mastery at high levels of engagement cannot be achieved when tasks are set rigidly or are within comfort zones. This video urges organizations to get the skill and challenge level balance right to prevent boredom and ensure staff engagement.
02:59 min
A growing, intergenerational, megatrend that Daniel Pink observes across all levels of leaders and employees is an increasing desire to work in the service of something bigger than one’s own self-interest. This video explores how finding purpose creates lasting and meaningful motivation.